Eligible purchases made during this offer period will receive the following discounts on the corresponding packages: $350 off Peloton Bike Basics, $455 off Bike Starter, $550 off Bike Ultimate, $500 off Bike+ Basics, $600 off Bike+ Starter, $700 off Bike+ Ultimate, $300 off Tread Basics, $400 off Tread Starter, $500 off Tread Ultimate, $250 off Row Basics, $300 off Row Starter, $400 off Row Ultimate, $100 off Guide, $200 off Guide Starter, and $400 off Guide Ultimate.
Limited time offer ends November 28, 2023. *All-Access Membership separate for Peloton Bike, Bike+, Tread, and Row Guide Membership separate for Peloton Guide.